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Share the Social Media love for Laura Stack’s newest book, FASTER TOGETHER: Accelerating Your Team’s Productivity
Buy on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Faster-Together-Accelerating-Teams-Productivity/dp/1523094451
Link to book site www.fastertogetherthebook.com or bit.ly/FASTteam
Suggested Facebook/LinkedIn Messages for Faster Together
Mediocre productivity benefits no one. Get out there and remove the speed bumps that are keeping your team from going #fastertogether. Laura Stack, the Productivity Pro, shows you how in her latest book, FASTER TOGETHER: Accelerating Your Team’s Productivity. Visit www.fastertogetherthebook.com for more information.
Tired of all the haphazard “speed bumps” slowing down your team’s productivity? In her new book, FASTER TOGETHER: Accelerating Your Team’s Productivity, team productivity expert Laura Stack shows you how to delete those problems from the workspace, so everyone can pile in the Team Car and go #fastertogether. www.fastertogetherthebook.com
To the victor go the spoils, whether the race is the Indianapolis 500 or the harder road of team productivity. It’s time your team worked together to clear the road and go #fastertogether? In Laura Stack’s new book, FASTER TOGETHER: Accelerating Your Team’s Productivity, you’ll learn how to raze 48 common “speed bumps” in the road to productivity. Check out www.fastertogetherthebook.com.
Even after more than a century of study, we’re still learning new ways to boost team productivity. Who better to condense those methods into one book than Laura Stack, America’s top Productivity Pro? In her latest book, FASTER TOGETHER: Accelerating Your Team’s Productivity, she’ll show you dozens of ways to avoid the productivity road hazards and go www.fastertogetherthebook.com.
Every business team needs a tune-up now and then, so everyone can go faster together. In her new book, FASTER TOGETHER: Accelerating Your Team’s Productivity, Laura Stack, the Productivity Pro, gives you dozens of ways and means to help clear your path. Order your copy today at www.fastertogetherthebook.com, so you can get a head start on the competition.
Suggested Tweets for Faster Together
- Once you raze the speed bumps in your business procedures, your team will go #fastertogether.
- What shape is your Team Car in? Let #Productivity Pro @laurastack tune it up with #fastertogether.
- Business is a race, and with her new book #fastertogether, @laurastack is the pit boss you need to stay ahead.
- Your team can’t win if you don’t work #fastertogether. #Productivity Pro @laurastack shows you how.
- In her book #fastertogether, @laurastack puts you in the driver’s seat of your Team Car & on the fast track to success.
- Slowed down by too many team productivity speed bumps? New book by @laurastack will get you up to speed.
- Your team car can be the most powerful productivity machine in existence—when you follow @laurastack.
- Tired of poor team productivity? Get the new book by @laurastack to move #fastertogether.
- How can you help your work team go #fastertogether? It’s in black and white in the new book by @laurastack.
- In @laurastack’s new book, #fastertogether, you have a user manual for maximizing team productivity at work.
- Tired of driving in the productivity slow lane? #fastertogether will get you up to speed in no time.
- The experience and wisdom in @laurastack’s latest book, #fastertogether, will boost your team into overdrive!